Flying from 12pm.
PK not available. Aerotow Available
NOTAMs username: glidingmatamata password: pobox100
10 Existing Bookings
11:30AM, Tow, Sarel Venter, 11:30AM, Tow, Ross Hyndman, 11:30AM, Heading Out, Iggy Wood. Better come on out to help rig and clean XP after my , 12:00PM, Any Dual, Tim BFR, 1 hour, 12:00PM, Tow, Paul Blackmore, 12:00PM, Tow, Neil Harker (GCK), 12:30PM, GXP, Norman Duke, 1 hour, 1:00PM, Tow, Phil test flying GFX Rees, 1:30PM, Any Dual, Nick Odom, 1 hour, 3:00PM, Trial Flight, 5000', Geraint Bermingham,
Instructor 1 Bob Gray 021949 145 Instructor 2
Tow Pilot Thomas Fairbrother 0274234585 Duty Pilot Nick Odom 021 498961